Our Latest News and Activities
August 2020




Located at the Old Schoolmaster's House, Edenvale Heritage Precinct, Pinjarra. 
Opening hours from 11am to 3pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.



Located at the Old Schoolmaster's House, Edenvale Heritage Precinct, Pinjarra.


It’s great to be up and running with our doors wide open again!


The DOORS at the Old Schoolmaster’s House are NOW OPEN to visitors on

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 3pm

and the Society is working towards a bright second half of the year.




25th August 2020 (Tuesday) – Annual General Meeting – Murray Districts Historical Society

7pm – 9pm @ The Lesser Hall – between the Council Offices and Library, Pinjarra Road.

Guest Speakers: Bill and Jenny Bunbury will speak on the subject “Many Maps”

‘Many Maps’ is an attempt to look at two cultures in two centuries of European occupation of Indigenous Australia.  Europeans, when they arrived, were guided by different maps to those of indigenous Australians. A map can chart, record, represent, plot or plan – and can mean different things to different cultures.

All are welcome to attend the meeting and talk.  Attendance is $2 for members and $5 for visitors.

Supper will be served at the conclusion of the evening.

Please Note:  the change of day and venue for this meeting and forward meetings from those previously advertised.


For more information please contact Dawn Hodgkinson by email: led.zep@live.com.au or Penny Hoffman on 0407 422 771.


Did you know:

The Pinjarra Railway Junction has been a place of significance since 1893.  The W.A. Colonial Government of Lord Forrest’s first Ministry purchased the land for rail yards in 1891.  Pinjarra became the halfway point on the South West Railway to Bunbury which opened in 1893.  Chief Architect George Temple Poole had designed a station house on a passenger platform 250 feet long, 2 station master’s houses along Williams Road with woodsheds and latrines, engine, carriage and goods sheds, a loading platform plus roads and footpaths with associated rail tracks. By 1908, refreshment rooms had been added to a larger station house.


In 1966, as steam was being phased out, the locomotive depot became redundant and was leased.  Buildings / houses would soon be removed. The historical society is displaying aerial photos depicting the Railway Precinct over several decades – from the early 1960’s to the present.  Do you have memories you can share of the Railway Precinct in its heyday?   Did you or your family live in one of the railway employees’ homes on the north side of Williams Road?  We would love to hear from you.


John Charles Pearson was Station Master at Pinjarra from April 1922 until he retired in 1930.


Visit us to view our latest display: Stories of West Murray. 

Did you know that the stretch of Murray River – including the north and south banks – from Ravenswood to the estuary was known for many years as West Murray?  For several decades, West Murray was a sought after holiday destination. Though the Townsite of Yundurup was established on Cooleenup Island in 1898, the name Yunderup was not universally used until the 1970’s.


Consider joining the Society, making new friends and volunteering with us - for just $25 per year (or $40 per couple).  There are many ways you can contribute to the collecting and sharing of historical information, both with the wider Murray community and with visitors to Edenvale.  


We look forward to meeting you and sharing the history of the Murray District.

Follow our monthly articles in the Community Newspaper for more information about the history of Pinjarra and the Murray District.  And we always welcome any stories or photos you are willing to share with us.


For more photos and stories of the rich history of the Murray, look at our Website

murrayhistory.org.au/home for more information.


You can also Like us on Facebook here


Do you have an interest in the history of Pinjarra and the Murray Districts?

We are always looking for more volunteers to assist with the opening hours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 3pm and with our various projects.


If you would like to become one of our volunteers, please advise

Jill on 0408 846 567 or by email alanjill37@hotmail.com


For information about the Murray Districts Historical Society, its membership and its activities, please visit us at Edenvale during opening hours or contact Dawn Hodgkinson, Secretary by email led.zep@live.com.au

Murray Districts Historical Society • Old Schoolmaster's House, Henry Street • Edenvale Precinct • Pinjarra Western Australia