Our Latest News and Activities
December 2019




Located at the Old Schoolmaster's House, Edenvale Heritage Precinct, Pinjarra. 
Opening hours from 11am to 3pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.




Please Note the Old Schoolmaster’s House will officially be:


  • CLOSED on Monday 16th December 2019
  • OPEN again on Friday 17th January 2020
  • Visits By Appointment can still be arranged during the closed dates.

contact persons:         Val King 0458 673 608  or

                                         Penny Hoffman 0407 422 771


Do You Know That?

In 1843 Joseph Cooper began building a windmill for grinding wheat at Windmill Point on an island at the mouth of the Murray River where it entered the Peel Inlet.


He did most of the work himself, leaving the running of his Redcliff farm to his eldest son, also named Joseph. It is said that he brought the stone across the river by boat. Cooper would sail over on the morning with the easterly wind, load up and sail back in the early afternoon with the sea breeze.


After construction had been going on for some time, Thomas Peel tried to claim ownership of the island and of the mill. He said that he owned all of the land on the right side of the Murray and as the island was on the right side of the main channel, it was rightly his. The claim was disallowed, and he never gained possession of it.


Unfortunately Cooper met with an untimely death in 1847.

The Perth Gazette gave details:


We regret to announce another fatal accident which happened on Monday last to Mr Cooper of the Murray as he was proceeding to Fremantle with a bullock team, accompanied by his wife and family. Shortly after passing Clarence the bullock team took fright –      Mr Cooper was thrown off and the wheel passed over him. When wakened, he told his wife and family he was about to die and spoke of his affairs. He expired within four miles of reaching Fremantle.


Joseph Cooper had been a wheelwright back in England and it is said that he made some of the mill machinery out of tuart timber before he died. The mill was completed by his sons James and Thomas, aided by Josiah Stinton and Dan Myerick.


By 1850 the mill was in use.


There is much more to learn about Cooper’s Mill so do come along to read of the history at the Murray Districts Historical Society at the Old Schoolmaster’s House, Edenvale Precinct Pinjarra.


For more photos and stories of the rich history of the Murray, look at our Website http://www.murrayhistory.org.au/home


Visit us at the Old Schoolmaster’s House and our displays at Edenvale Homestead



In the meantime, look at our Website murrayhistory.org.au/home for more information.


You can also Like us on Facebook here


Do you have an interest in the history of Pinjarra and the Murray Districts?

We are always looking for more volunteers to assist with the opening hours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 3pm and with our various projects.


If you would like to become one of our volunteers, please advise

Jill on 0408 846 567 or by email alanjill37@hotmail.com


For information about the Murray Districts Historical Society, its membership and its activities, please visit us at Edenvale during opening hours or contact Dawn Hodgkinson, Secretary by email led.zep@live.com.au


Murray Districts Historical Society wishes you all

a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year

We are grateful to all of our Sponsors, Supporters and our Volunteers

and we look forward to All Visitors during 2020.


Murray Districts Historical Society • Old Schoolmaster's House, Henry Street • Edenvale Precinct • Pinjarra Western Australia