Our Latest News and Activities
July 2020




Located at the Old Schoolmaster's House,

Edenvale Heritage Precinct, Pinjarra WA.





Hello !


The DOORS at the Old Schoolmaster’s House are NOW OPEN to visitors on

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 3pm.


The Murray Districts Historical Society is working towards a bright second half of the year.

Visit us to view our latest displays: Stories of West Murray and of the Pinjarra Rail Precinct. 

We look forward to meeting you and sharing the history of the Murray District.


Do You Know That…

As we continue our discovery of Pinjarra’s heritage buildings:

Situated beside Miss Adam’s House on George Street is Vinnies Op Shop.

This building with the beautifully maintained ‘residence’ attached to the north side has a long and important history in the life of Pinjarra. 

Mr William Taylor settled in Pinjarra during the late 1890’s.  Previously he had operated as a general trader for the railway construction workers, moving with the railway camps as the camps moved.  In 1897 he purchased land in George Street next to the Exchange Hotel and built a store.  In 1906 the store burnt to the ground after fireworks were let off in the vicinity.  The new store has stood the test of time and is still a proud reminder of the contribution made to Pinjarra by the Taylor family.


William Taylor’s shop in 1911

Mr and Mrs Taylor lived in the residence beside the shop.  Produce grown at the rear of the store near the river was sold and the store was a popular meeting place for Pinjarra residents.


Taylor’s shop was modernised during the 20th Century and by 1960 was a General Merchants Store, then a supermarket. Today it serves the community well as Vinnies Thrift Shop.


Follow our monthly articles in the Community Newspaper for more information about the history of Pinjarra and the heritage buildings of the Murray District.  And we always welcome any stories or photos you are willing to share with us.


In the meantime, for more photos and stories of the rich history of the Murray, look at our Website murrayhistory.org.au/home for more information.


You can also Like us on Facebook here


Do you have an interest in the history of Pinjarra and the Murray Districts?


We are always looking for more volunteers to assist with the opening hours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 3pm and with our various projects.


If you would like to become one of our volunteers, please advise

Jill on 0408 846 567 or by email alanjill37@hotmail.com


For information about the Murray Districts Historical Society, its membership and its activities, please visit us at Edenvale during opening hours or contact Dawn Hodgkinson, Secretary by email led.zep@live.com.au

Murray Districts Historical Society • Old Schoolmaster's House, Henry Street • Edenvale Precinct • Pinjarra Western Australia