Our Latest News and Activities
September 2023










Located at the Old Schoolmaster's House, Edenvale Heritage Precinct, Pinjarra. 

Our volunteers are there to greet you on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11 am – 3 pm, or by appointment.


The aim of the Historical Society is to research, collect, maintain and share stories of the Murray District that stretches from North Dandalup to Coolup, from West Murray to Dwellingup – and including the vibrant town of Pinjarra.  We have a well maintained local history library, interesting displays and a large collection of photographs, documents, and display books.


We also have a strong membership of enthusiastic people and are always looking for additional members to join us.  If you have a love of history, in particular of the Murray District, or if you have information to share, please visit us.  And if you like what you see, consider becoming a member of our group.  Our general meetings with a guest speaker are open to visitors.  Other events, including bus trips, are usually restricted to members.  All visitors are welcome to browse our collections during our ‘open’ hours or by appointment.



¨ AGM Held on 29th August 2023

Annual General MeetingMurray Districts Historical Society was attended and enjoyed by many interested visitors and members.

Guest Speaker:       Bevan Carter (West Australian Historian)

Bevan Carter is a genealogist, historian and author. He is a University of Sydney graduate and has a long association with Bassendean WA.

Bevans talk is based on his book “Nyungah Land” published 2005 and is always a very interesting and informative speaker.

Topic:                      Retaliatory Raids and Battles - before the Pinjarra Massacre


Attendance at all General Meetings costs $2 for members and $5 for visitors. 

Supper follows the meeting. 

If you would like to join us at the next General Meeting to be held on 24th October 2023, please contact Anne Cubitt on:

Mob 0422 516 283 or email mdhspinjarra@outlook.com

This is also an opportunity to become a member or renew your annual membership - $25 per person, $40 per couple and $50 corporate membership.


What does the Murray Districts Historical Society achieve?


The Society collects Photographs to be scanned and hopefully receives information and anecdotes about the subject detail as well as completes an accession form with the relevant details and historical significance. These can be stored digitally and printed at a later date for exhibitions with a theme.

Family trees are sought to provide a history of who arrived when and hopefully stayed. We work in with the Shire of Murray Library to help people with research methods using the Library’s access to computers and programs. This mainly happens on Tuesdays and bookings made via the Library.

There is a dedicated group who collect and collate newspaper articles reflecting life within the Shire of Murray, tomorrow’s history today. They meet at the Old Schoolmasters House on Tuesdays.

​Other members amend previously written articles of interest and input these on the computer.

We try to have at least two people on duty, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11:00am to 3:00pm and depending on who is available, we also try to open the Former St. Johns Church to air it out and generally make sure the Grave Yard is tidy and answer questions as people arrive.

(Article submitted by Mervyn Beacham)


Other projects, meetings and tours are advertised closer to the date in the Community Newspaper.


Murray Districts Historical Society continues to hold interesting events throughout the year, so watch this space for the next event!

Murray Districts Historical Society continues to hold interesting events throughout the year, so watch this space for the next event!

Note:    There is more to read on our Local History

so do come along to the Murray Districts Historical Society and see what is available.


Follow our monthly articles in the Community Newspaper for more information about the history of Pinjarra and the heritage buildings of the Murray District.  And we always welcome any stories or photos you are willing to share with us.


Visit us to view our current photographic displays:

  • Festivals and Events in Murray Districts
  • Coolup Farms and Families
  • Coolup Sports and Social
  • Alcoa
  • North Dandalup


Follow our monthly articles in the Community Newspaper for more information about the history of Pinjarra and the heritage buildings of the Murray District.  And we always welcome any stories or photos you are willing to share with us.


And we welcome new members.

For information about the Murray Districts Historical Society, its membership and its activities, please contact

Anne Cubitt – Secretary  mdhspinjarra@outlook.com


For assistance with research or general questions about local history, contact Merv Beacham on 0417 986 838, or Val King on 0458 673 608


For more photos and stories of the rich history of the Murray, look at our Website murrayhistory.org.au/home or visit us at the Old Schoolmaster’s House within the Edenvale Heritage Precinct.


You can also Like us on Facebook here





Murray Districts Historical Society • Old Schoolmaster's House, Henry Street • Edenvale Precinct • Pinjarra Western Australia